Step 1:
Go to :
a) Label Section:- Add Partner name
b) Choose reCAPTCHA v2
b) Add domain name two times without “HTTPS” first domain name like “” and the second one with www like “”
Step 2:
Put the below script above the static page content
<hocal-script async="async" src=""></hocal-script>
Step 3:
Add this below reCaptcha code where we want to add this ReCaptcha using static page, Go to CMS - Website management - Static Pages - select the static page and put your code inside the <> code view.
<div class="error error-message left-align" id="err-check-terms-condition" style="display: none">
Please check that you have read terms and conditions
<div class="captcha-wrap">
<div class="cont">
<p class="formhead">Security Code:</p>
<div class="cont" id="captcha_wrapper">
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LdWnWsdAAAAAIWRBbUIYhPWRXCnjdk31HUQzEIY"></div>
<div class="common-message captcha-error" id="captcha-error"></div>
Step 4:
Try verifying the captcha starts showing and working for the selected page.