Go to: - https://publishercenter.google.com/

Follow the below steps:- 

Step: - 1

Login with your official mail ID - Add Publisher (left side)

This box will get open - fill the details (for adding Publication)

Step: - 2

Click on Google news Block 

Click on Edit

Step: - 3

Fill the below details:-

a) General Setting: - 

For UA Code - Go here:- https://analytics.google.com/

left side search bar - search for the account and copy the UA Code 

b) Content settings: -

Add Feed 

Step: - 4

Add Feeds: -

Your all category Google feed linksin which you are adding news on daily basis,

for example:- https://hocalwire.com/category/viral/google_feeds.xml

Here we need to specify -

1) Category Name

2) Category Feed path (to fetch articles from)

- How/ Where to get the category Google feed URL's ?

- Follow the below steps - CMS - Right side user login - show feeds

Step: - 5

Review all the details and fix the issue 

Then Publish.